Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

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How to participate in the Bitcoin ecological carnival? First configure your Bitcoin wallet.

In recent weeks, the Bitcoin ecosystem has become one of the most concerning topics in the community.

UniSat announced the launch of the brc 20-swap mainnet, sats tokens experienced eye-catching increases, and surge projects frequently appeared in the brc-20 field. Lightning Labs launched a new Bitcoin protocol, Taproot Assets, to issue airdrops to users and create intelligence on the Bitcoin network. The RGB protocol of the contract, the first recursive inscription game Pixel War on the Bitcoin ecosystem Ordinals is launched, etc.

Many Bitcoin ecological projects have emerged, and each project party has launched its own Bitcoin wallet. Users must configure the corresponding wallet products in advance when participating in these new games, otherwise they will miss the opportunity to grab the top mine.

BlockBeats has compiled the registration and usage methods of the recently popular Bitcoin ecological protocol wallet products for readers’ reference.

Unisat Wallet

At first, UniSat, which developed BRC-20, seemed to be an outlier in the new ecosystem, but now BRC-20 has made the Bitcoin network crazy again. As an early adopter, UniSat is one of the few projects that has truly seized the opportunity.

As the first open source browser extension wallet for Ordinals on Bitcoin, UniSat Wallet can store and transfer Ordinals, view unconfirmed inscriptions, 100% open source, instant recording (minting) without running a full node, storage and Transmit brc-20.

It can be said that BRC broke out of the circle because it was lucky to catch up with the meme season. It can also be said that BRCs popularity cannot last long, but the rewards obtained by UniSat are real money. At present, the Bitcoin ecosystem has become popular, and UniSat is almost the first choice of participants.

Wallet registration tutorial

1. Open UnisatOfficial website, select the chrome browser to download the plug-in and install it.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. In the chrome browser extension, open the Unisat plug-in. New users select Create new wallet on this interface. After entering the password to register, a 12-digit mnemonic phrase will pop up. Back up the mnemonic phrase, select the address followed by m/86/0/0/0/0, and click Continue to create it successfully.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Cast BRC-20

BRC-20 is a homogeneous token protocol issued on the BTC native chain based on ERC-20. Since the casting cost of Unisat Wallet is relatively high, you can use it to view inscription casting information in real time, such as the text and number of the casting, the quantity that has been cast, the holder, etc.

Related Reading:The recently popular Brc 20 Token nanny-level casting tutorial

Ordinals Wallet

Ordinals Wallet is the native wallet of Ordinals ecology. As a non-custodial BTC wallet, it allows users to view and store BTC and Ordinals NFT.

Wallet registration tutorial

1. Open Ordinals WalletOfficial website, click Connect Wallet in the upper right corner and select the Ordinals Wallet link.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. New users select Create new wallet on this interface. After entering the password to register, click Generate seed phrase. After backing up the 12-digit mnemonic phrase, fill in the mnemonic phrase that requires authentication and click next to create it successfully.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Trading BitMap

Bitmap is a Metaverse protocol supported by the Bitcoin community, and each piece of land represents a BTC block number. According to data from Ordinals Wallet, Bitmap topped the Trending list with a floor price of 0.0007 BTC.

Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

1. Click receive on the Ordinals Wallet personal account page to generate the wallet address, copy it to the trading platform to transfer BTC, select BTC in the trading network and confirm, and wait for the BTC to arrive in the account.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

1. Click Trade now in the Bitmap project on the wallet homepage.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. Select a Bitmap you like. You can adjust the Bitmap style you are looking for in the feature search bar on the left. Click Buy Now.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

ATOM Wallet

Atomcial is the “new favorite” of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Compared to Ordinals, Atomcial allows storing one or more files at mint time, defining and updating basic file types and application status of any complex file type, using Satoshis as a first-class unit of account ARC 20. Offers decentralized and direct casting modes. Built-in ticker name service.

The Atomics protocol solves the long-standing problem of how to represent arbitrary fungible token assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. Atommap is the first NFT generated by CPU mining on the Atomicals protocol, which has caused heated discussion in the Bitcoin community recently.

If you want to participate in Atommap mining, UniSat Wallet cannot meet the needs, and you must use ATOM Wallet to complete the operation normally.

Wallet registration tutorial

1. Open ATOM WalletOfficial website, select the chrome browser to download the plug-in and install it.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. In the chrome browser extension, open the ATOM Wallet plug-in. New users select Create new wallet on this interface. After entering the password to register, a 12-digit mnemonic phrase will pop up. Back up the mnemonic phrase, select the address followed by m/86/0/0/0/0, and click Continue to create it successfully.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Mining AtomMap

1. VisitOfficial GitHub page, select, click the download icon on the right side of the detailed page to download and unzip it.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. After unzipping, find the numbered file you want to register.

It is divided into 6 stages: the number 0.atommap.svg starts to represent 1 D.atommap and takes about 10 seconds to mine; the number 10.atommap.svg starts to represent 2D.atommap and takes about 3 minutes to mine; the number 100.atommap .svg starts to represent 3D.atommap, which takes about 40 minutes to mine; number 1000.atommap.svg starts to represent 4 D.atommap, which takes about 10 hours to mine; 5 D.atommap, which takes about 1 week to mine; 6 D.atommap takes about 3 months to mine.

3. Openatomicals clientOr start engraving on the engraving website, link to ATOM Wallet, select Atomics at the top, and select NFT in the lower tab. Taking 0.atommap.svg as an example, upload the 0.atommap.svg file into the black box.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

4. Select SET Bitwork. The number in Bitwork Commit must be consistent with the selected number. Fill in ab 0 and click Preview to start POW mining.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

5. Select the casting speed you need, click Inscribe, link the ATOM Wallet and pay the required amount to start casting.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Alby Wallet

Nostr is a distributed social media protocol designed to create a censorship-resistant global social network. The protocol does not rely on a trusted central server; instead, all users run a client. Using this client, users publish content by writing an article, signing it with their private key and sending it to other servers, which then forward the content.

Nostr Assets Protocol’s upcoming features such as Taproot Assets and Fair Mint. Taproot Assets is based on Bitcoin multi-signature and hash time locks for asset issuance, and uses the trust channel of the Lightning Network to distribute and circulate assets in large quantities. The entire process is provided by the Bitcoin main network for asset settlement.

Ordinals assets are easy to distribute but difficult to grab. Taproot Assets assets do not need to be grabbed but are difficult to distribute. The currency issuance model of Taproot Assets is similar to ICO. Coin issuance is easy to operate and difficult to distribute. It requires the project side to have strong technical, operational, market and other comprehensive strengths. Currently, more than 40,000 assets have been released on Taproot Assets, including tokens and NFTs.

If you want to use Nostr and its applications, you need to use the Alby wallet.

Wallet registration tutorial

1. Open AlbyOfficial website, select Add browser Extension to download the plug-in and install it. If you have installed the Alby plug-in, you can directly click Create Account to go directly to the fourth step.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. After the plug-in is installed, the page will automatically jump to the wallet creation page and enter the password in sequence according to the prompts.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

3. Click Use Alby Link and the web page will jump to a new window.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

4. In the new window, the new user selects Sign up to connect (registration link) on this interface. After passing the network security check, register and verify via email.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

5. After completion, the registration page will automatically close and return to the original window. Click Nostr to create a new nostr account, generate a 12-digit mnemonic phrase and back it up. Note that this key cannot be displayed at once, each word needs to be clicked separately to view.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Interacting with Nostr Assets

1. Click Receive in Alby Wallet and select Lightning invoicePlaying with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. Fill in the amount to be recharged in Amount, the unit is Satoshi. Click Create invoice to generate the invoice number, go to the trading platform and transfer the BTC on the platform to Alby Wallet. Select BTC-Lightning on the currency withdrawal network, submit it, and wait for the BTC to arrive.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

3. Open Nostr AssetsOfficial website, log in to Alby Wallet and click the Receive option after the SATS asset.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. Select Lightning (Lightning Network), fill in the amount of assets to be transferred in Amount, click Create Invoice, generate the Invoice and copy it to the Send page of Alby Wallet, fill in the Invoice number , BTC can be deposited into Nostr Assets for trading.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

BitMask Wallet

BitMask Wallet, launched by DIBA Global, is the first nft wallet of the RGB ecosystem and is currently running on the Bitcoin testnet. All SATs and assets created in this release are done with test Bitcoin, with trading on the Bitcoin mainnet coming soon.

pepe cooperates with BitMask Wallet, register BitMask Wallet and complete PePe RGB tasks to get a total of 17 0x p.

Wallet registration tutorial

1. Open BitMaskOfficial website, select the chrome browser to download the plug-in and install it.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. In the chrome browser extension, open the BitMask plug-in. The tabs on the above page will change to Continue with Extension and Go to Web Wallet. Click continue with extension.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

3. New users select Create Wallet on this interface. If you have used BitMask before, you can Impor Wallet by entering the password and mnemonic you set previously.

Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

4. Follow the prompts to create a login password (no less than 8 characters), check the Agree to the Terms of Service box, and then click Create a new wallet.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

5. Create a username that will generate a handle for you (e.g. for use with Lightning Network and Nostr. After entering the username, click Create username"(create username).Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

6. After the username is created, a reminder to generate a mnemonic phrase will appear on the page. After understanding the risk reminder, click Start and a 24-digit mnemonic phrase will appear.

7. Click Copy mnemonic seed phrase to save the mnemonic phrase, copy it to the Enter seed phrase here box and check the option below, click confirm, jump to the new page and click launch, the BitMask wallet will be created finished.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Currently, BitMask is released to version v 0.6.3. Users can transfer tokens and UDA, and can also set whether the issued tokens are published to the public list of assets available in the future. It is reported that BitMask will be updated based on test results and bug fixes.

Cast PePe RGB

1. Open BitMask Wallet, click Receive, select the asset network you want to transfer to, generate the corresponding wallet address and copy it to the trading platform.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. At present, the PePe RGB task has ended. Previous activities required logging in to a Zealy account. You can choose Discord login, wallet login or email login.

3. After completing the Twitter task as prompted, fill in the BitMask Wallet wallet username.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

OKX Web3 Wallet

In addition to some mainstream Bitcoin wallets, OKX Web3 wallet can be used on the mobile terminal, which lowers the entry threshold for users and has become one of the choices for many users.

OKX Web3 wallet is the first multi-chain wallet to support Ordinals transactions and the first wallet to trade BRC-20 tokens on the mobile terminal. It fully supports the minting and trading of BRC-20 tokens and BTC NFTs.

Wallet registration tutorial

1. Open OKX Web3 walletOfficial website, click Connect Wallet to install the plug-in to the Chrome browser.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

2. Click Create New Wallet and Mnemonic Phrase in the plug-in, enter the password and confirm it to create a successful wallet. Mobile users log in to the Ouyi APP, select Web3 Wallet at the top of the homepage, click Create Wallet, enter the password in the pop-up Set Password and confirm, and the creation can be successful.

After the creation is completed, the mnemonic phrase will pop up on the homepage of the wallet for backup. After selecting the correct mnemonic phrase for verification as required, you can use the wallet.Playing with the Bitcoin Ecosystem: Six Introductory Interactive Tutorials for Bitcoin Wallets

Enter the Bitcoin Ecosystem

As an established leading exchange, OKXs OKX Web3 wallet launched in 2021 has brought wallet product development to a new field through continuous breakthroughs, self-iteration and innovation, lowering the user threshold while providing one-stop services for the entire process.

The OKX Web3 wallet Ordinals market is completely decentralized, and interaction is free of platform service fees. It is the first multi-chain APP wallet in the industry to support the Ordinals market. Users can transfer, trade, and engrave BRC-20 and BTC NFTs in one stop through the Ordinals market.

Related Reading:Introduction to 7 popular functions of OKX Web3 wallet, deepening Bitcoin ecology and multi-chain interactive experience

BlockBeats reminds that the current Bitcoin ecological market is dominated by FOMO sentiment, and most of the inscriptions and protocols are showing violent capital rotation, and investors need to be cautious in participating. In addition, there are currently many new wallets in the relevant ecosystem, and the minting cost of BRC-20 tokens is relatively low. Most of the tokens themselves do not have any use cases yet. Users are advised to protect the mnemonic words during use and investment, and pay attention to risk screening.

Original article, author:区块律动BlockBeats。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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