Overseas Weekly | Filecoin released the economic structure framework; Beam will carry out the second hard fork on June 28 (4.20-4.26)

4 years ago
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GSR Capital has completed a US$5 million equity investment in tZERO.

Produced by Odaily

Author | Wang Ye

Editor | Hao Fangzhou

Overseas Weekly | Filecoin released the economic structure framework; Beam will carry out the second hard fork on June 28 (4.20-4.26)

Produced by Odaily

Last week, Coinbase announced the launch of the oracle service Coinbase Oracle, anyone can get the price data of BTC/USD and ETH/USD through the application program interface (API); Beam will execute the second hard fork at block height 777777, it is expected The time is June 28; NEAR announced the roadmap: the main network will be launched in 3 stages, and it will be launched in August at the earliest.

The following are overseas project progress and financing events:

Star Project Progress

The following are overseas project progress and financing events:

Star Project Progress
MakerDAO Dai Limit Raised to 123 Million
MakerDAO Dai Limit Raised to 123 Million
According to the official announcement of MakerDAO, on April 24, 2020, the Risk Team of the Maker Foundation incorporated an executive vote into the voting system, providing adjustments to a number of parameters:
1. Increase the upper limit of ETH’s borrowable Dai: 90 million → 100 million;
2. Reduce the USDC loan stability rate: 8%→6%;
3. Reduce the USDC liquidation line: 125%→120%;
4. The MakerV2 oracle machine opens multiple whitelists and allows Set to use ETH/USD to feed prices;
5. Create a BTC/USD price feed and open a whitelist to allow Set and dYdX to use it;

7. Disabling the single-mortgage Sai system MKR oracle price feed;

Aztec releases ZK² rollup v0.1, the first implementation of general SNARK recursion based on single curve pairing

Overseas Weekly | Filecoin released the economic structure framework; Beam will carry out the second hard fork on June 28 (4.20-4.26)

Aztec releases ZK² rollup v0.1, the first implementation of general SNARK recursion based on single curve pairing

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Image source: twitter

Filecoin releases economic structure framework

The decentralized storage project Filecoin released an economic structure framework, reaffirming that the projects goal is to create a decentralized, efficient and robust foundation for human information, and propose three principles of encryption economy, incentives for useful data storage and demand drivers. A hierarchical economic structure framework. The framework proposes that there are five main players in the Filecoin economy: customers, developers, retrieval services, storage miners, and token holders.

What the Filecoin team released this time is only the economic structure framework and does not involve specific parameter settings, but Filecoin said that the framework uses a combination of existing incentive mechanisms and many new mechanisms to meet the unique requirements of a decentralized storage network. In this economic framework, some basic economic model principles are proposed, and some new changes are also introduced. For example, the concept of network benchmarks will be introduced to reduce the role of the exponential decay model in the initial stage of network release.

Coinbase launches oracle service Coinbase Oracle

Coinbase launches oracle service Coinbase Oracle

Compound CEO Robert Leshner said the Coinbase Oracle will improve the security and decentralization of Compound’s price feed.

dYdX CEO Antonio Juliano said that the Coinbase price oracle will have a huge impact on the DeFi ecosystem.

Zcash launches V2.1.2 version, supports testnet to activate Heartwood upgrade

On April 24, Zcash development company Electric Coin Company (ECC) officially announced the release of ZEC V2.1.2. This version supports the activation of Heartwood on the test network, the activation height is 903800, and the estimated time is May 6, 2020. However, this version does not support the activation of Heartwood on the mainnet. It is reported that the Heartwood network upgrade deploys ZIP 213, which allows miners to directly send their mined block reward tokens to shielded addresses.

Cardano wallet Daedalus releases version 1.0 and will launch Shelley mainnet infrastructure in May

Daedalus, the official wallet of the public chain Cardano, released version 1.0. The developer IOHK introduced that they spent 18 months rebuilding the code base to ensure quality. IOHK also stated that it will launch the infrastructure of Shelley, the next major version of the mainnet in May, and its audit report has been completed by Root9B and will be made public later.

NEAR announced the roadmap: the main network will be launched in 3 stages, and it will be launched in August at the earliest

Overseas Weekly | Filecoin released the economic structure framework; Beam will carry out the second hard fork on June 28 (4.20-4.26)

NEAR announced its future roadmap, which consists of 3 stages, namely PoA mainnet, restricted mainnet and community-governed mainnet. Among them, the PoA version of the mainnet is expected to be released between April 22 and 27. At this stage, the NEAR protocol will be run in the Proof of Authorization (PoA) mode, and the initial node settings will be operated by the NEAR Foundation. Token distribution, most token transfers are restricted at this stage, and only the NEAR Foundation can transfer tokens.

In the second stage, the restricted window period of the mainnet stage is from June to August. In this stage, most accounts are prohibited from transferring money. The locked contract cannot be directly staking, but can only be delegated. Therefore, the initial validator setting needs to be set by the whitelist. Validators are delegated without any inflation and rewards in this phase. In the first and second phases, developers need to be authorized by the NEAR Foundation to deploy applications. The last stage is the mainnet stage governed by the community. The network will not require permission and there will be no restrictions. Validators and delegators are responsible for the continued operation of the network and the decision to upgrade.

Image source: Near official website

Overseas Weekly | Filecoin released the economic structure framework; Beam will carry out the second hard fork on June 28 (4.20-4.26)

Beam will execute the second hard fork at block height 777777, which is expected to be on June 28

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Image source: Beam official website

Blockstack announced the official launch of the first phase of the Stacks 2.0 testnet

EOS Latest Developments

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The latest developments in ETH

Please refer to the OdailyETH weekly report

Recent progress of BTC

Please refer to OdailyBTC Weekly Report

Investment and financing overview

Please refer to OdailyBTC Weekly Report

Investment and financing overview

U.S. crypto venture capital BoostVC completes $40 million fundraising

American encryption venture capital BoostVC announced the completion of a $40 million fundraising, including Devonshire Investors and ECMC, which is the funds largest financing to date. It is understood that BoostVC has invested in a number of companies in the encryption, blockchain, and virtual reality/augmented reality industries, including Coinbase, Etherscan, Polychain Capital, etc., and they are also investors in the blockchain media The Block.

Applied Blockchain completes £2 million financing led by QBN Capital

Decentralized solutions provider Applied Blockchain has completed a new round of financing of £2 million, led by Hong Kong venture capital firm QBN Capital. It is reported that Applied Blockchain will use the funds to develop a new platform that will use privacy technology to help businesses collaborate without sharing any data.

Cross-chain DeFi project Kava receives USD 750,000 investment from Framework Ventures

Cross-chain DeFi project Kava announced last Tuesday that it has secured approximately $750,000 in funding from Framework Ventures. Framework Ventures injects capital by purchasing 1%-5% of Kavas native tokens. Additionally, Kava plans to launch its lending platform next month. Framework Ventures advised Kava on the inflation model and plans to continue to provide technical support to the Kava team, said Framework co-founder Michael Anderson. Framework Ventures is a decentralized finance (DeFi) fund with a portfolio that includes Synthetix and Chainlink.

Original article, author:王也。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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