Li Guoqings Book Club: A Fifty-Year-Old Mans Real Life Choices

5 years ago
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Book clubs serve the general public more, sinking to fourth- and fifth-tier cities, rather than elites.

Li Guoqings Book Club: A Fifty-Year-Old Mans Real Life Choicessecondary title


Previously, in an interview with the media, Li Guoqing revealed that he was exploring the content industry + blockchain project in CRYSTO. Li Guoqing is not only the leading investor of CRYSTO, but also participated in the construction of the team and serves as the DApp CEO of the CRYSTO public chain ecology. According to Zuo Jingjing, the market leader of this DApp, this DApp has not yet been named, and the name collection started a few days ago. Li Guoqing currently calls it Book Club, which is a knowledge payment platform for colleagues , and said that the project is very close to the money, and the profit will be very fast.

Li Guoqing previously posted on Weibo that he hoped that more and more people would be willing to read and fall in love with reading, so he decided to create a book club and launch a prize-winning campaign.

According to the CRYSTO official website introduction, CRYSTO is a vertical public chain for global intangible assets, providing four services: copyright confirmation, content distribution, equity fragmentation transactions, and equity securitization. Solve the five major pain points of the intangible asset industry: rampant piracy, platform hegemony, ridiculous pricing, opaque data, and insufficient globalization.

The CRYSTO project was officially established in July last year. The project is a two-step strategy. The first step is to build a vertical content public chain. The second step is to incubate a large number of application projects based on this. It is a common idea and model.

The operator of CRYSTO is Wenqi Tianxia (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wenqi Tianxia). Wenqi Tianxia was established on August 28, 2018. Li Guoqing himself can be said to be the leader of CRYSTO. In addition, Danhua Capital, Bitmain, Dfund and Ceyuan Fund also followed suit. According to Zhou Xiaoxue, head of CRYSTO operations, CRYSTO has raised 20 million yuan so far.

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Content public chain has a long way to go

Li Guoqing believes that after entering the era of the Internet and screen reading, major problems have arisen in the knowledge creation process and filtering mechanism. The demand for knowledge has always been hungry, while the supply of the publishing industry has not kept up with the innovation of knowledge acquisition triggered by the Internet, and new models have not been found. For the generation and promotion of knowledge and reading, there must be commercial power rather than public welfare alone. This is the value of cultural entrepreneurs.

In the open letter, Li Guoqing expressed the role of blockchain technology in the content industry. He said that the blockchain enables content creation, sharing and users to discuss, build and share together, creating a knowledge cooperative that integrates knowledge producers, screeners and consumers, without having to rely on big capital and founders.

Among the many suitable application scenarios for the blockchain, the content industry is a vertical field that has been given high hopes.

In the past year, a large number of content companies have begun to get involved in the blockchain business. From the perspective of specific applications, there are mainly two directions, one is the content distribution platform represented by Steemit, and the other is the content traceability platform represented by Mediachain.

However, due to the uniqueness of the blockchain + content industry, various application directions such as video, music, and publishing need to solve the storage problem of massive resources. There are very few public chains that can be commercially implemented, even those with nearly one million users Steemit, its public chain also failed to solve the distributed storage problem.

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The goal of 1 billion in 3 years

The book club that Li Guoqing is in charge of is a DApp under the CRYSTO public chain ecology.

In todays publishing industry around the world, there are many types of publications, and the best ones are uneven. How to select valuable books? In todays world, 30,000 words are published, and 200,000 words must be made up to make it clear. How to refine knowledge points to deal with the knowledge explosion? Today, Israelis in the world read 52 books a year on average, and Americans read more than 30 books. How do Chinese overtake? The way the Internet acquires knowledge has changed dramatically. How can audio and video capture readers’ interest?

Li Guoqing believes that the book club can solve this problem.

This book club will hold 10 subdivided reading clubs. Each branch invites dozens of famous experts to give lectures on 52 books every year. Experts in different fields share the knowledge they are good at. Every reader can make friends with books, and readers can Thousands of book clubs are spontaneously organized on this platform.

Knowledge sharing in book clubs relies on books. The advantage of the book is that it has been edited, planned and filtered, and the content formed will be more high-quality, using audio and video to serve new cultural consumption.

“I have always firmly believed that the cultural industry has a lipstick effect. The demand for knowledge has always been hungry, while the supply of the publishing industry has not kept up with the innovation of knowledge acquisition triggered by the Internet. For the generation and promotion of knowledge and reading, there must be commercial power rather than Only relying on public welfare is the value of cultural entrepreneurs. Li Guoqing said.

His book club serves the public more, sinking to the fourth and fifth tier cities, rather than the elite.

My dream now is to reach 40 million annual users in 3 to 5 years, and rebuild an Internet cultural ecology. Li Guoqing is full of confidence.

Regarding the departure of Dangdang, he also expressed whether there will be a strategic cooperation between the book club and Dangdang.

The book club takes advantage of the decentralized nature of the blockchain, First of all, we can make the book clubs finances and transaction records in all aspects fully on-chain, which is fully open and transparent. Secondly, considering domestic laws and regulations, our book club It is for points; if those foreign digital currencies listed on the exchange give us an exchange rate, we also welcome it. Li Guoqing said.

Therefore, the book club and the place where the blockchain can be used is to use the blockchain for bookkeeping, which has no deep connection with the blockchain, and does not require a very complicated underlying technology to rely on. It feels like the book club uses the popular blockchain as the traffic entrance, and Li Guoqing himself brings his own traffic, making a huge marketing campaign for the book club.

The book club earns profits in the form of annual membership fees. Li Guoqing also set himself a revenue target, I think the membership fee in the first year must be 100 million (RMB), the second year is 300 million, and the second year is 100 million yuan. 1 billion in 3 years.

Li Guoqing also said that the new company has been registered and the office has been rented. At present, there are about 10 technical personnel recruited, and the app and small program of the book club will be developed within two months. Li Guoqing revealed that he has already made appointments with a large number of publishers and well-known writers. Teachers like Yu Hua and Zheng Yuanjie expressed their support for the book club.

Original article, author:王也。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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