Blockchain Daily | Huobi launched an exchange solution; Suning released a blockchain white paper

6 years ago
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Huobi’s 2B business does not have those platform currency methods, will it be more reliable?

Blockchain Daily | Huobi launched an exchange solution; Suning released a blockchain white paper



According to Huobi’s announcement, Huobi Group officially launched Huobi Cloud, which is committed to providing a one-stop solution for digital asset exchanges and supporting partners to quickly build safe and stable digital asset exchanges. It is reported that at present, more than ten large international institutions including Dbank Group, Taiwan Jifu Group, Russian National VEB Bank, and Asia Pacific International Holding Group have become the initial partners of Huobi Cloud. Huobi Cloud provides OTC and currency exchanges. , operation and ecological four major solutions.

digital currency

digital currency

Hainans trans-Asia-European company huge virtual currency pyramid scheme trial opened, involving 3.8 billion yuan

From July 17 to July 19, 2018, after being charged by the Peoples Procuratorate of Haikou City, Hainan, the large-scale online pyramid scheme case of Trans-Asia-Europe Company was held in open court in the Intermediate Peoples Court of Haikou City. The criminal suspect Xia Moorong registered and established a trans-Asia-Europe company in Haikou, attracting members to buy Asia-Europe currency through internal disk and external disk. The registration of internal disk members must be recommended by an agent (upline) and purchase at least 10,000 yuan worth of Asia-European currency; and the main function of the external disk is to withdraw the Asia-European currency of the internal disk. According to the prosecutions allegations, as of May 12, 2017, the trans-Asia-Europe company had a total of 31,419 internal members in multiple provinces and cities across the country, a total of 177 levels of offline levels, and a total of 47,250 external members. The total amount of Asian and European currencies is more than 3.8 billion yuan.

It is reported that V God (Vitalik Buterin) stated in Twitter that every Give ETH scam (ETH giveaway scam) page has a slider marked Left Ethereum, these scams are run by an organization Is it? Or are they copying each others scam software?

Blockchain application

Blockchain application

Suning blockchain platform will be launched in August, supporting alliance chain and private chain business

At todays Suning Blockchain White Paper press conference, Yao Ping, technical director of Suning Cloud Blockchain RD Center, said that the Suning Blockchain platform will support alliance chain and private chain business, and currently supports Sunings blacklist, Applications such as letters of credit, commodity traceability, and points applications are currently expanding their application scope, such as smart retail ecological scenarios, including user portraits, Internet of Vehicles, smart logistics, IP protection, member ecology, smart home, etc. Yao Ping revealed that the Suning blockchain platform will be launched on August 18.

University of Pennsylvania report: most high-value ICOs in 2017 did not meet basic requirements

The University of Pennsylvania published a report on Tuesday analyzing whether smart contracts and distributed ledger technology functions meet the basic requirements of an ICO by using four criteria: supply fulfillment, vesting, destruction and modification requirements. The report shows that the majority of high-value ICOs in 2017 missed their targets.

KOOBANK China, a subsidiary of the digital asset management group KOOBANK, received an investment of 37 million yuan

It is learned that recently, Kebank China, a subsidiary of the digital asset management group KOOBANK, has received 37 million RMB investment from Yunshan Capital, Yixin Holdings Group, Hong Kong Leshi Capital, Jiuniu Capital, Zheshang Consortium and other institutions. This round of financing will be used for team building in China and the establishment of underlying security technology for digital assets.

EOS Community Conference discusses EOS main network infrastructure and security issues

At the 2018 EOS Community Conference, representatives from EOS Argentina, EOS Canada, etc. discussed the main network infrastructure and security issues. Some of their views are as follows: 1. Bugs are inevitable, but when we find bugs, we have the responsibility to proactively contact Block. One contact and fix it as soon as possible; 2. EOS is not only a blockchain technology, but also a software operating system. The community test network is very important to the entire network. It is very important to conduct massive tests behind the community test network; 3. 21 The ranking of nodes is changing every day. It cannot be said that which node must be responsible. They do not have much power, and the development of the system is the first priority; 4. We have made open source code and hope to share the technology with more developers; 5 . Everything is optimized and will develop in a better direction.

China Wallet plans to launch cryptocurrency payments in the second half of the year, and the stock price once soared by nearly 20%

China Wallet (00802.HK) announced yesterday that the company plans to launch a cryptocurrency payment platform Capital Payment in the second half of this year, which uses DAG blockchain technology. The share price of China Wallet once rose nearly 20% today, with a peak of HK$0.325.

After announcing his participation in the TRON super representative election, Justin Sun had already received enough votes to become a super representative in just one day. According to TRON’s super representative voting regulations, every TRX held can cast one vote for the candidate it supports. According to Xiaocong’s verification, according to the current results of Justin Sun’s votes, 30% of Justin Sun’s votes came from a wallet address that voted all his votes for Justin Sun; 90% of the votes came from the top 6 wallet addresses.



Hurun: Before 2023, there will be trillion-level enterprises in the blockchain

Today, at the 2018 Blockchain Scenario Application Technology and Ali New Retail Summit Forum, Hurun Report founder and wealth rating expert Hurun said that it will take 20 years for the Internet to create trillion-level companies before creating companies like Ali and Tencent. Such a giant. But the blockchain will become a trillion-level enterprise, which is expected to be four to five times faster than the Internet, because investors are smarter than before and invest more money. It is estimated that as soon as 2023, there will be trillion-level enterprises.

Lu Yanping, Chief Accountant of Guangdong Hydropower: Blockchain brings great challenges to financial management

At the 2018 China Financial Management Global Forum today, Lu Yanping, chief accountant of Guangdong Hydropower, said that the blockchain is of great help to the quality, reliability and timeliness of accounting information. But obviously, the blockchain poses great challenges to financial management. In terms of management model, the original compliance management may gradually fade; in terms of business, the supply chain model will also change. As a result, financial managers will also face great challenges.

IMF President Lagarde: Cryptocurrencies do not pose a threat to current fiat currencies and traditional financial institutions

Recently, Cao Huining, professor of finance at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, academic director of MBA in finance, and member of the American Finance Association, said that a blockchain without a certificate is also a blockchain without circulation, because there is no incentive mechanism, it has no energy input, and it cannot become a global blockchain. influential technology. Therefore, he believes that an illiquid blockchain cannot create value.

Recently, Cao Huining, professor of finance at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, academic director of MBA in finance, and member of the American Finance Association, said that a blockchain without a certificate is also a blockchain without circulation, because there is no incentive mechanism, it has no energy input, and it cannot become a global blockchain. influential technology. Therefore, he believes that an illiquid blockchain cannot create value.

global policy

global policy

The UK Law Commission, an independent body of the UK Parliament, is launching a study to explore some of the positive effects that the use of blockchain-based smart contracts could have on the UK legal system, such as providing transparency. The committee has conducted preliminary studies earlier this year, with formal projects due to begin this summer. The British Law Commission believes that smart contracts can enhance trust and transaction transparency between companies, and the legal system should try to use smart contract technology to maintain its attractiveness to companies.


Cornell University Research: Hacker Group Can Exploit Voting Vulnerabilities to Sabotage Encrypted Voting

Cornell University Research: Hacker Group Can Exploit Voting Vulnerabilities to Sabotage Encrypted Voting

A paper co-published by Cornell University scholars Philip Daian, Tyler Kell, Ian Miers, Ari Juels, etc. stated that the hacker group has extended its tentacles to the blockchain field. Through smart contracts, the hacker group can bribe users to vote, and the hacker group can tamper Take control of the entire voting system, release false signals, and manipulate the market.

Lee Qiwei joins petition calling for the release of the founder of the dark web Silk Road

Blockchain Daily | Huobi launched an exchange solution; Suning released a blockchain white paper

Original article, author:黄雪姣。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

ODAILY reminds readers to establish correct monetary and investment concepts, rationally view blockchain, and effectively improve risk awareness; We can actively report and report any illegal or criminal clues discovered to relevant departments.

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