Odailys first release | Do financial management for your BTC, Cowin Technology received 15 million US dollars Pre-A round of financing

6 years ago
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Many bigwigs who believe in long-term investment say that they have never moved a single coin, but isnt it a pity to let the coin lay dead in the account?

Odailys first release | Do financial management for your BTC, Cowin Technology received 15 million US dollars Pre-A round of financing

Odaily learned that,

Odaily learned that,Keying Technology, a quantitative trading investment project, has recently received US$15 million in Pre-A round financing, and the investor is the government fund Xiongan Fund. The funds will be mainly used for product landing and team building.

Keywin Technology began to prepare and test quantitative strategies at the end of last year. In the past 2 months, Keywin Technology has basically completed the real test of 3 sets of quantitative trading strategies.The quantitative investment platform (App) is expected to be launched next month, and the team currently operates hundreds of strategy servers in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea.

According to Shen Dongxiong, the founder and CEO of Keying Technology, the strategic capacity of the product is digital assets equivalent to RMB 100 million, and the annualized rate of return reaches 80%~200%.. In terms of risk, the maximum retracement (loss) rate of Winning Technology is about 1%, and the maximum retracement is 20%.

From the perspective of the industry, digital currency wealth management is still in its infancy, and there are very few pioneers. In the United States, representatives of the digital currency quantification team have representatives from Silicon ValleyTrade Terminal, the strategic capacity is currently at the level of 20,000 BTC, and the service threshold is 1,000 BTC (or equivalent ETH); Chinas quantitative teams mostly cooperate with front-end projects such as wallets and exchanges, and there are few independent digital currency quantitative investment products . Therefore, Keywin Technology believes that compared with wallets and exchanges, it has the core ability to provide quantitative trading strategies.

It is understood that the strategic capacity of quantitative trading investment products provided by the wallet Kcash is 67 bitcoins (millions of dollars). So, how does Keying Technology, which has no basic traffic and a hundred times larger capital scale, plan to complete the capacity? Shen Dongxiong introduced to us 3 customer acquisition paths:

  • capital resources. The investor of Keying Technology, Xiongan Global Blockchain Ten Billion Innovation Fund, was initiated by the Hangzhou Municipal Government, led by Yao Yongjie and Li Xiaolai, and Xu Xiaoping served as an investment consultant. For an investment product starting from scratch, on the one hand, government endorsement can increase credibility, and on the other hand, it also brings together a number of large currency circles, so fund members can become an effective resource for Wintech to target BD.

  • The team has accumulated large accounts and exchange resources in the currency circle.

  • Keywin Technology has established a 50,000 user community, and will cultivate product seed users through popular science content and mini games after the product is launched.

If the capacity is not yet full, Keywin Technology will also consider cooperating with third-party platforms such as exchanges to provide them with quantitative trading investment products.

At present, Keywin Technology is mainly strengthening the core capabilities of quantitative trading: optimizing strategies, improving the performance of trading programs and strictly controlling risks. In the future, in addition to financial management through technical means, Keywin Technology expects to increase diversified investment tools, which can be compared with traditional quantitative investment trading tools, such as adding robo-advisor robots. , you can choose whether to copy or not according to the platform information. In addition, Keywin Technology also expects to provide currency-to-currency lending services through smart contracts.

For the judgment of the future of the industry, Shen Dongxiong said that the space for digital currency quantitative trading investment can reach tens of billions of dollars, and the industry will gradually have traditional quantitative trading investment regular troops entering, but the investment portfolio of more than 10,000 exchanges and thousands of projects is very large. Many, the industry will still be an incremental market for a relatively long period of time, and there is sufficient room for development.

In terms of team, most of the founding team are senior engineers from Tencent, who have rich experience in security and product development. The other 10 core members also come from BAT, WeBank, etc. Quantitative analysts have more than 5 years of stock and foreign exchange trading experience in well-known financial quantitative institutions.

I am the author Huang Xuejiao, you can add WeChat hxjiapg for communication, please note the unit, position and reason.

Odailys first release | Do financial management for your BTC, Cowin Technology received 15 million US dollars Pre-A round of financing

Original article, author:黄雪姣。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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