To use the blockchain to sweep away false advertising traffic, DMChain received millions of dollars in angel round financing

6 years ago
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To use the blockchain to sweep away false advertising traffic, DMChain received millions of dollars in angel round financing


Decentralized digital advertising marketing Dapp DMChain announced that it has obtained a multi-million dollar cornerstone round of financing. Investors include Yuansheng Capital, Accord Capital, Ledong Capital, Tianji Capital and other institutions

DMChain was founded by Wang Qingyun, the founder of DMLei (Digital Radium), a one-stop precision marketing platform. Based on the research and development of the public chain Cardano (ADA), it is still in the development stage and the product has not yet been launched. However, according to DMChain, it has reached a cooperation with the information platform OKZ, and OKZ serves as a content distributor to provide services for the DMChain network.To understand what value DMChain can provide, we can

Let’s talk about digital advertising marketing + blockchain firstIn 2016, the scale of Chinas digital marketing market reached 290.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 32.9%. While growing rapidly, the industry has been plagued by fake traffic. According to the data of WPP GroupM, an American media group, ad fraud wastes 20% of the worlds digital marketing budget, and these common behaviors almost make advertisers helpless. The trust between advertisers and advertising agencies is low, and digital advertising is a highly digitized industry, so it is very suitable for transformation with blockchain.At present, some giants and start-up companies have entered the market, such as Xiaomi and Leo Digital Co., Ltd.Digital marketing chainLove to DrillLove to DrillLittle V CafeLittle V Cafe

and DMChain

The upstream and downstream of the digital advertising marketing industry chain include advertisers, third-party advertising platforms and Internet media (search, social, video and other websites or applications). False traffic may come from Internet media, such as falsely reporting the number of users, hiring trolls to scan traffic, or from third-party advertising platforms, such as programmatic advertising platforms that focus on precise push.

To use the blockchain to sweep away false advertising traffic, DMChain received millions of dollars in angel round financing

SoSoHow does the blockchain eliminate false traffic? The ideas of Aidezuan, Xiao V Cafe, and DMChain are real users on-chain + incentive advertisements.

There are many ways to ensure that the user is a real person, requiring the user to provide a mobile phone number, ID card, bank card and reserved mobile phone number, as well as various anti-cheating technologies. After users are on the chain, they can obtain platform tokens through active marketing methods such as browsing advertisements (Aid Diamond), sharing content to Moments (Little V Café).This starts with building a C-side traffic pool,Xiaomis data marketing chain is solved by establishing an alliance chain based on traffic buyers, sellers, intermediaries and auditors.

The data marketing chain has established a cross-data center block accounting system, and authorizes each node to supervise the bidding, exposure, click and follow-up behavior logs of advertisements for distributed recording, so as to ensure the openness and transparency of advertisement placement and settlement.Another advantage of on-chain marketing is that user portraits are three-dimensional (accurate), real and protect user privacy.

In terms of the team, besides creating a marketing platform, Wang Qingyun is also an early entrepreneur in the currency circle. DMLeis data shows that Wang Qingyun co-founded the Bitcoin trading network in 2013 and served as COO; in 2014, he co-founded the cryptocurrency trading platform, and has a certain understanding of chain circles and advertising marketing. Most of the investors in this round are Chain Circle Capital. Accord Capital has invested in more than 30 projects such as Aelf. Ledong Capital was initiated by Yang Linke, the co-founder of Bitcoin China. It has participated in AELF, AAC, RUFF, MKR, GTC, TRON, etc. project.

I am the author Huang Xuejiao. If you want to report or communicate with the project, please add WeChat hxjiapg. Please note the unit, position and reason.

To use the blockchain to sweep away false advertising traffic, DMChain received millions of dollars in angel round financing

Original article, author:黄雪姣。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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