

从Ampleforth到ESD,从Basis到Frax,在DeFi蓬勃发展的加密货币市场,算法稳定币不断在迭代,一次又一次掀起了滔天巨浪。1月13日下午4点,我们邀请到了市场上三位算法稳定币的核心开发者——FRAX,MITH Cash和PEGS的创始人,对话BlockArk首席分析师墨客,共同探讨“算法稳定币的未来”。这是中文加密社区首次与多位算法稳定币开发者公开对话,本次算法稳定币专场AMA直播由区块方舟BlockArk支持,链闻ChainNews、星球日报Odaily、区块律动BlockBeats、加密阁媒体支持,分享内容整理如下:


墨客:Hello everyone, I am Moc, the chief analyst of BlockArk.


BlockArk is an investment banking and marketing firm, providing branding, user growth and marketing advisory. Founded in 2017, BlockArk has a background from Accenture, Tencent, Samsung and PwC.


We are so proud to invite 3 core developers of algorithmic stablecoins to discuss the future of algorithmic stablecoins.


SauR0n:Sauron bleeds evil but in this case, believes in the Mithril cause and uses his evil instincts to coordinate efforts between the team and community.

大家好, 我是索伦(Sauron),我相信秘银(Mithril)的事业,并利用我的邪恶本能来协调团队和社区之间的努力。 

Sam:Im Sam Kazemian founder of frax.finance, the first fractional algorithmic stablecoin. Before Frax, I was cofounder of Everipedia.org. Now Im working on the fastest growing algorithmic stablecoin project in the space 🙂

Let me translate sams introdution: 我是frax.finance(第一个分数算法稳定币)的创始人Sam Kazemian。 在加入Frax之前,我是Everipedia.org的联合创始人。 现在我正在研究增长最快的算法稳定币项目。

James:Hi this is James from Pegs.cash. Pegs Cash is an algorithmic bank backed by real assets. We aim at exploring the wide adoption of algorithmic stablecoin in crypto world.



墨客:What do you think of AMPL/ESD, the earlier algorithmic stablecoins? Is your own project algorithmically innovative? What are the advantages and disadvantages?


SauR0n:We believe that a seigniorage shares model, that separates the stablecoin from the inflation token, has the best chance of wider adoption. Our team continues to innovate on a daily basis, with 3 passed Mithril Cash Improvement Proposals (MIPs) awaiting deployment as we speak. We prefer not to comment on other projects models.

我们认为,将稳定币与通货膨胀代币分开的铸币税共享模型最有可能被广泛采用。 我们的团队每天都在不断创新,此时,有3项已通过的秘银现金改善提案(MIP)等待部署。 我们希望不对其他项目模型发表评论。 

Sam:Frax is the most innovative algorithmic project currently in crypto. We introduced the concept of a “fractional-algorithmic stablecoin.” The name FRAX means fractional-algorithmic currency. Before FRAX, there was no partial-collateral design and as you can see in this panel itself, there is already another project inspired by our design. So yes, I think we are the most innovative project in the space as of today.  

Frax是当前加密领域最具创新性的算法稳定币项目。 我们介绍了“分数算法稳定币”的概念。 名称FRAX表示分数算法货币。 在FRAX之前,没有局部抵押设计,我们可以看到,已经有另一个项目受到我们设计的启发。 是的,我认为我们是迄今为止该领域最具创新性的项目。

James:We think that AMPL and ESD are relatively close.ESD has reduced volatility by allocating dividend rights to locked LPs and DAOs, and has developed debt functions to ensure that ESD values do not deviate too much from 1. But when the ESD gets too much in debt, it cant repair itself.

PEGS is an algorithmic stablecoin with asset collateral, so it can better anchor 1U and realize the value of 1U. At the same time, compared with MKR, PEGS tokens have more value capture function, can be used as collateral, and enjoy the dividends and buyback destruction.



墨客:In general, we think that Basiss algorithmic central bank model and Frax/Pegss mortgage algorithmic stable currency model are more forward-looking representatives, so this time we invited them to share.


墨客:What is the necessity of algorithmic stablecoins? What are the application scenarios in the future? We see that algorithmic stablecoins are not used as circulation no matter whether it is fundraising, exchange trading pairs, or reserve pools like Curve. People think that the algorithmic stablecoin is a variant of ponzi, how does the algorithmic stablecoin prove its use value?


SauR0n:At MITH Cash, we strongly believe that decentralized stablecoins will be the currencies of the future. The space is new and evolving quickly with a combined market cap of over $600M. Our project is only 2 weeks old, and we are already working with many DeFi partners to foster wider adoption across the board including more trading pairs and an upcoming StableSwap pool.

在MITH Cash,我们坚信去中心化稳定币将成为未来的货币。 这个领域是新的并且正在迅速发展,总市值超过6亿美元。 我们的项目仅上线2周,已经与许多DeFi合作伙伴合作,以促进广泛传播,包括更多交易对和即将推出的StableSwap池。

Sam:Algorithmic stablecoins increase capital efficiency and create trustless mediums of exchange. Algorithmic coins are the first fully decentralized way to hold stable purchasing power without custodial risk. I think they will continue to be one of the most important parts of DeFi. 

算法稳定币提高了资本效率,并创建了不信任的交易媒介。 算法稳定币是第一种完全分散的方法,可以保持稳定的购买力而不会带来托管风险。 我认为它们将继续成为DeFi最重要的部分之一。 

James:Algorithmic stablecoins definitely need to be embedded in the crypto economy to realize their self-worth. At present, the market is mainly dominated by centralized stablecoins such as USDT.But with the stricter regulation, there must be room for algorithmic stablecoins in the future. Anti-censorship is the strength of the algorithmic stablecoin. 

Some people doubts this as Ponzi, the reason comes from the scalability, no matter AMPL, ESD model of the single currency, or Mith, Frax, Pegs dual-currency model, has the scalability design. This design has two sides, although in the short term will give people the sense of Ponzi, but theres no denying it also greatly increase the user group of the algorithm stable coin. AMPL has proved that..



墨客:The supervision of USDT has always been a potential black swan risk. Although the applicability of algorithmic stablecoins has not been revealed in the short term, it is definitely worthy of long-term attention.


墨客:In the early stage of project operation, the way to attract users is mostly to give high APY to improve TVL. But after a period of time, the APY of liquid mining will inevitably decrease. In this case, how can we continue to attract external users to continue to follow the project?


SauR0n:Bootstrapping new DeFi projects through liquidity mining is a good way to get new projects off the ground. At MITH cash, our strategy revolves around generating new use-cases for MIC. We have many ambitious plans to make Mithril Cash as ubiquitous as USDC. However, our primary focus at this time is ensuring that MIC stays on peg and expands to a substantial circulating supply. We will then be in a much stronger position to develop and release new uses for MIC.

通过流动性挖掘引导新的DeFi项目是使新项目启动的好方法。 使用MITH Cash,我们的策略围绕为MIC生成新用例而展开。 我们有许多雄心勃勃的计划,以使秘银现金像USDC一样广泛被使用。 但是,我们目前的主要重点是确保MIC保持钉住并扩大到大量的循环供应。 然后,我们将处于更加强大的位置,以开发和发布MIC的新用途。 

Sam:We have one of the longest LP programs lasting around 3 years. By the time that 3 years is over, FRAX will either be larger than Tether and USDC or we will have to vote with governance how to create new LP programs. Tether and USDC don’t need any LP programs haha they are already the most liquid cryptos and I think FRAX could get close to it this year.   

我们拥有最长的LP programs,持续3年左右。 到3年结束时,FRAX可能会比Tether和USDC更大,或者我们将不得不与治理部门投票决定如何创建新的LP programs。 Tether和USDC不需要任何LP programs,因为它们已经是流动性最高的加密货币,我认为FRAX今年可能会接近。

墨客:How to solve the problem of algorithmic stablecoins returning to $1 after falling below $1. We are concerned that ESD and BAC have been below $1 for a long time. When we observed that many investors felt panic about the BAB‘s 38 million redemption. And we also believe that a high premium pricing method such as BAB=BAC*BAC will generate more BAC circulation and cause market pressure. How to break this debt black hole when investors lose their confidence?

如何解决算法稳定币在低于1后重新回到1的问题,我们关注ESD与BAC已经长时间低于1。当我们观察到很多投资者对BAB 3800万的兑付感觉很恐慌。而且我们也认为BAB=BAC*BAC这样的高溢价的定价方式,会产生更多的未来BAC流通,造成市场压力。失去投资者信心的时候,如何打破这种债务黑洞?

SauR0n:It is natural for investors to worry, given the price action we have seen in the space over the last few weeks. At MITH cash, we follow an iterative process that seeks to learn from industry experiences and we constantly adjust our protocol in order to make it more robust. With regards to debt issuance, we believe that the large number of bonds issued shows that investors have confidence in the protocols ability to return to peg and expand again. It would be more concerning if there was no demand for bonds. Pricing is not the only issue here. We believe that tweaking our bond redemption mechanism and establishing a secondary market for bonds would alleviate many investors concerns about the lack of exit liquidity once bonds are purchased. 

鉴于过去几周我们在该领域看到的价格走势,投资者自然会担心。 在MITH Cash,我们遵循一个反复的过程,该过程试图从行业经验中学习,并且我们不断调整协议以使其更加强大。 关于债务发行,我们认为发行的大量债券表明,投资者对议定书能够重回钉住并再次扩张的能力充满信心。 如果没有债券需求,那将更加令人担忧。 定价不是这里唯一的问题。 我们认为,调整我们的债券赎回机制并建立债券二级市场可以缓解许多投资者对购买债券后缺乏退出流动性的担忧。 

墨客:How to solve the problem of algorithmic stablecoins returning to $1 after falling below $1. Frax Finances design is to guarantee redemption ability through the value of the collateral. The proportion of Algoithmic in Total Value is no longer small. If there is a crisis at this time that causes the prices of FRAX and FXS to fall, there will be panic and no one will use the recollateralize function, even if it is used, it will cause greater FXS selling pressure. At this time, there will be a problem of insufficient collateral, how to ensure that the FRAX price can be re-anchored to $1.

如何解决算法稳定币在低于$1后重新回到$1的问题。我们可以看到Frax的设计是通过质押品的价值来保证这种兑付能力。我们看到Total Value中Algoithmic的占比已经不小了。如果此时遇到危机导致FRAX跟FXS价格的下跌,那会出现恐慌导致没人使用recollateralize功能,即使使用了也是产生更大的FXS抛压。这个时候会出现抵押品不足的问题,怎么保证Frax价格可以重新锚定为$1.

Sam:So far after 3 weeks of launch, this has not happened a single time with FRAX 🙂 so until it actually happens, in my opinion we don’t need to worry about it. 


墨客:We believe that in reasoning, no project party has proposed a solution to the negative rebase  that we think is bright. This point has yet to be verified. Basis is undergoing this test, and we need to maintain continuous attention.


墨客:In historical experience, most of the forks will fail, and we have also seen a large number of projects that imitate Basis have failed. MITH Cash and Pegs Cash as forks, what changes have been made to Basis Cash and Frax Finance. How did MITH Cash and Pegs Cash succeed?


SauR0n:MITH Cash has forged our own path on our quest to become the One Algo Stable to Rule them All. Rapid iteration is key. Ideas are a dime a dozen, execution and speed differentiate winners from laggards.

MITH Cash已迈出了自己的道路,力求成为一个统御所有的算法稳定币。 快速迭代和创新是关键。执行力和速度使落后者脱颖而出。

Evolutions include:

- Seigniorage and Bond redemption threshold reduced to 1.01

- DAO fund is funded by just 1% of Seigniorage for a lean operation

- MIS stakers will now earn 20% of Seigniorage when bonds are outstanding.

- Time-weighted staking in the Boardroom has been voted on

- Giving MIS stakers additional rewards through a staking pool / community vault is being considered




-当债券未偿还时,MIS 质押者现在将获得铸币税的20%



James:Thanks for the question. Fork is usual in the crypto world, and for the most occasions its not going to be able to dislodge the status of inventor.


We were early players and supporters of Basis, MITH and FRAX.Weve seen MITH’s grow, and weve seen MITHs speed in DAO governance and iteration, which may be the reason why it has recently outperformed Basis in the marketplace and community.We also hold a significant amount of FXS, and as Sam said, we were inspired by FRAX. We choose Frax because there was scare of selling from private investors in the early community. As Sams said, we were inspired by FRAX. This led us to the idea of doing a collage-based algorithmic stablecoin for a Fair Launch.

我们是basis、mith与Frax等项目的早期玩家与支持者。我们看到了Mith的成长,看到了Mith在DAO治理跟迭代上更快的相应速度,或许这是它最近在市场跟社区上优于Basis的原因。我们也持有了大量的FXS,之所以会选择frax,是因为我们在早期社区中感受到了私募投资者的抛售压力,这让我们产生了做一个Fair Launch的抵押型算法稳定币的想法。

At the same time, we also believe that the current economic model of FRAX does not effectively energize the share token, so we propose the design of dividend.We believe both Frax and PEGS are pioneering experiments in the great crypto economy. And the ultimate option is depending on the market.At the same time, we dont see Frax as a competitor. The collateral algorithmic stablecoin is a growing market that can accommodate enough players.


墨客:From the investors point of view, we do not reject forks, but reject the proliferation of forks with no new ideas. At least during this time, MITHs overall performance is respectable, and PEGS has yet to be shown.


墨客:Are there any more open thinking for the design of algorithmic stablecoins?


SauR0n:At MITH cash, we try to find a balance between simplicity and robustness of the system. By starting with a fairly simplified protocol, we have built a strong foundation from which to launch the future MITH ecosystem. We definitely agree that there is room for improvement. As Andre tweeted recently, constant product AMMs are not ideal for stablecoin swaps. Were working on our own innovative design that well be sharing shortly. Great things are coming from MITH cash!

在MITH Cash,我们试图在系统的简单性和健壮性之间找到平衡。 从一个相当简化的协议开始,我们为启动未来的MITH生态系统奠定了坚实的基础。 我们绝对同意,还有改进的空间。 正如安德烈(Andre)最近在推特上说的那样,恒定产品AMM并不是稳定币互换的理想选择。 我们正在研究自己的创新设计,不久将与大家分享。 伟大的事情来自MITH现金! 

Sam:Yes, Frax will be leading the way in fractional-algorithmic design a lot this year. We have many integrations in the pipeline and new features coming like a bond token and updated collateral options so that it is not just USDC.

是的,今年Frax将在分数算法设计中遥遥领先。 我们正在筹划中进行许多集成,并引入了新功能,例如债券token和更新的抵押品期权,因此不仅仅是USDC。

James:One of the things that we find interesting is that the demand for stablecoins is not just for dollars, but also for euros, yen, yuan, etc.

These currencies do not have good crypto stablecoin products due to their size.

For non - dollar asset investors to face the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.

The framework of the collateral-based algorithmic stablecoin is suitable for solving this problem. We have that in our roadmap as well.


墨客:Thank you for sharing, I have benefited a lot. If users have questions, we have 10 minutes of free questioning time, and our staff will collect and translate them.



问:I want to ask MITH. MIC and BAC fell to less than $1 at the same time a few days ago. Now the price of MIC has been fixed, but BAC is still below $1. Some people think that its Jeffery Huangs increasing positions and support that makes MIC community regain confidence. If Jeffery doesnt want to play one day, will MIC crush?

请问下MITH,MIC和BAC前几天同时跌到1美金以下,现在MIC的价格已经修复了,但BAC仍在1以下。有人认为这是Jeffery Huang不断加仓和护盘才让MIC社区重拾信心,那如果某天Jeffery不想玩了,MIC会不会崩盘? 

SauR0n:I cannot comment on Machis position because Im not monitoring his wallets. However, it is true that we have major community members increasing position and new community members joining taking up new positions, which results in a strong peg of our MIC to $1.


问:May I ask Sam, I really like Fraxs design, especially the sentence: Let the market choose the share of algorithmic stablecoins, do you have any plans to further increase Fraxs market demand? Cause most value of FXS is from FRAX market demand:).


Sam:Yes, we want to get help from community members to increase our integration with other defi dapps. If you are in the FRAX community and hold FXS, help the project get listed on your favorite defi platforms because that is how we expand.

是的,我们希望获得社区成员的帮助,以加强与其他defi Dapps的集成。如果您在FRAX社区并持有FXS,请帮助该项目在您喜欢的Defi平台上提及Frax,因为这就是我们扩展的方式。

问:Hello Sam, Im a loyal user of FRAX and have been participating in FRAX project since the beginning. But during this process, I found that many of centralized parts of FRAX, such as the price Oracle is constantly changing, the collaborative ratio can be directly modified by the contract creator, and the functions of gevernance and DAO on the web page are actually not open. When will FRAX give these permissions to the community?

你好Sam,我是FRAX的忠实用户,从一开始就在参与FRAX项目。但这个过程中我发现很多FRAX比较中心化的地方,比如预言机的价格来源不断在变化,Collateral ratio可以通过合约创建者直接修改,以及网页上的Gevernance和DAO的功能实际上没有开放。想问下FRAX什么时候才会把这些权限给社区? 

Sam:We are actually going to renounce ownership of keys as soon as enough FXS is emitted to make governance actions on the governance module. We also have set up a https://snapshot.page/#/frax.eth to allow for governance voting on important parameters. Right now, we have a bit of team control since we are not anon but after a few weeks, we will fully move over to the governance voting mechanism only+timelock. 

实际上,一旦mint出足够多的FXS以对治理模块进行治理操作,我们就会放弃密钥的所有权。 我们还设置了一个https://snapshot.page/#/frax.eth,以便对重要参数进行治理投票。 现在,我们有一些团队控制权,因为我们还没来得及,但过了几周,我们将完全过渡到社区治理投票机制(时间权重投票治理模式)。

问:Hey, guys, do you think that with more and more severe supervision, is it possible to bypass supervision to a certain extent by using algo stablecoins?


Sam:100% yes, another way I like to think about algorithmic stablecoins is trustless mediums of exchange


SauR0n:Sam is right: By definition, algo stables are in themselves trustless mediums of exchange


James: Compared with the centralized stablecoin, the biggest advantage of algorithmic stablecoin is that it does not rely on any centralized institution to issue.

Anti-censorship is its biggest feature.  Big reason for this algorithmic stablecoin explosion is that people have become less trust of institutions and more trust of math itself.

与中心化的稳定币相比,算法稳定币的最大优势在于它不依赖任何集中式机构来发行。 抗审查是它的最大特色。 这种算法稳定币爆炸的主要原因是人们对机构的信任度降低了,对数学本身的信任度提高了。

问:A year later, if MIC has not found a wide range of application scenarios, and the liquidity mining of MIS is finished, what will be done then?


SauR0n:Finding application scenario is the easy part. Once youre able to prove consistent reliable peg, application will come. 1 year is the time we have set for the project to achieve consistent peg.

实现其他得到应用程序场景很容易。 只要您能够证明你能维持MIC的稳定,那么应用就来了。 我们为Mith cash设定的目标是实现时间为1年的稳定挂钩。

问:Will digital RMB(DCEP) have an impact on stable currency?


SauR0n:For sure, anything related to the Chinese economy will have major global impact. This is The Economy that the world is watching. How it will impact stable currency remains to be seen.


Sam: I really like how the digital RMB has a lot of promising use cases. I think it will lead the way in many parts of finance. I actually think it is a brilliant move to create it. But overall, I think there is great use for FRAX as well as digital RMB together even domestically in the PRC since they have entirely different use cases and denominations. I think they are symbiotic and help each others value overall.

我真的很喜欢数字人民币有很多有希望的用例。 我认为它将在金融的许多领域起主导作用。 我实际上认为创建它是一个绝妙的举动。 但是总的来说,我认为FRAX和数字人民币在中国会有很大的用途,因为它们的用例和面额完全不同。 我认为它们是共生的,可以在整体上帮助彼此的价值。

James : I agree with Sam that this is a good move. To some degree, I think centralization and algorithmic stablecoins will co-exist. In particular, the native DeFi stablecoin usage scenario will definitely be the home field of algorithmic stablecoin in the future.


问:A simple question to ask FRAX: why not use USDC directly, but use FRAX which mainly depends on USDC pledge?


Sam:Because FRAX is not completely backed by USDC. It is only 85% backed right now. Maybe next month it is only 65% backed. In 3 months maybe it could be 40% etc to 0%...and after a long time of FRAX usage it could be almost entirely algorithmic, private, and trustless stablecoin that is more stable than other algorithmic tokens that started at 0%.

因为FRAX并非完全由USDC支持。 目前仅支持85%。 也许下个月只有65%的人支持。 在3个月内,可能是40%到0%...并且在长时间使用FRAX之后,它可能完全是算法化的,私有和无需信任的稳定币,比其他以0%开始的算法代币更稳定。

问:Thank you all for the fantastic sharing! May I ask @JamesKarn that with the involvement of seigniorage for every pegs, how can we provide the pegs cash to be declined under $1?

谢谢大家的精彩分享! 我可以问下@JamesKarn,由于每个PRGS都带有铸币税,我们如何才能将钉子现金减少到1美元以下?

James : In theory the PUSD was worth $1, but in times of market panic the PUSD could reach $0.9, in which case clever users could make an arbitrage by buying the PUSD and making a profit of 0.1U.The act of buying will drive 1PUSD=1USD

理论上,PUSD的价值为1美元,但在市场恐慌时期,PUSD可能达到0.9美元,在这种情况下,聪明的用户可以通过购买PUSD并获利0.1U进行套利。 购买行为将推动1PUSD = 1USD




MITH Cash官网


Frax Finance官网


Pegs Cash官网



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