What to watch next week|Blast will distribute the second round of Gold Points; Magic Eden will support Runes trading (4.22-4.28)

3 months ago
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The SAFE token transfer function will be activated on April 23.

What to watch next week|Blast will distribute the second round of Gold Points; Magic Eden will support Runes trading (4.22-4.28)

Next weeks highlights

Safe: SAFE Token will be transferable on April 23 ;

Magic Eden: Runes will be released on April 23 ;

Magic Eden will be available on Base on April 25 ;

The first phase of io.nets points reward program will end on April 28 ;

Blast announces the details of the second phase of Gold Points distribution, and will distribute a total of 10 million Gold Points next week

From April 22 to April 28, more noteworthy events in the industry are previewed below.

April 22

Binance will support Stacks network upgrade and hard fork, and suspend STX deposits and withdrawals at 20:00 on April 22

Odaily Planet Daily reported that according to the official announcement, Binance is expected to suspend the token recharge and withdrawal services of the Stacks (STX) network at 20:00 on April 22, Eastern Time, to support its network upgrade and hard fork.

The project will conduct a network upgrade and hard fork at Bitcoin block height 840, 360 (expected on April 22).

Eigenpie will open LST withdrawals on April 22

Odaily Planet Daily News Eigenpie announced that its LST withdrawals will be launched on April 22. LST depositors on the Eigenpie platform will be able to unpledge their assets while retaining their accumulated points.  

MerlinSwap launches esMP token and plans to start staking activity on April 22

Odaily Planet Daily News: Merlin Ecosystem DEX MerlinSwap announced the launch of esMP tokens on the X platform. esMP was originally designed to stabilize the value of MP tokens. The esMP staking party will be held from 14:00 on April 22 to 14:00 on May 21. Users can stake esMP tokens to become the lucky winners of the next round of MerlinSwap airdrops. Choose a partner to stake, and the longer you hold, the more generous the rewards.  

TreasureDAO plans to launch the Treasure Ruby testnet on April 22

Odaily Planet Daily News: TreasureDAO plans to launch the Treasure Ruby testnet on April 22, which includes a new Treasure Portal for cross-chain access and exploration of the testnet environment, as well as a new Treasure browser. Officials said that a new testnet version will be launched after the Ruby version, and new features will be provided. In addition, a new staking function will be added to the Treasure Chain.  

April 23

Binance plans to conduct a 3-hour regular system upgrade at 14:30 on April 23

According to the official announcement, Binance will conduct regular system upgrades from 14:30 to 17:30 on April 23 to improve the overall performance and stability of the system. The upgrade will last for 3 hours. During the system upgrade, users may encounter system errors when using the Binance website or Binance App. Affected services include but are not limited to new user registration, user login, trading services, etc.

Safe: SAFE Token will be transferable on April 23

Odaily Planet Daily News: Safe announced on the X platform that SAFE tokens will be transferable on April 23. Earlier news, SafeDAO tentatively scheduled to enable the transferability of SAFE tokens on April 23, and the proposal was voted through.  

Magic Eden: Coming to the Runes Platform on April 23

Odaily Planet Daily News Magic Eden posted on the X platform that it will launch the Runes platform on April 23.  

EigenLayer Ecosystem Global Hackathon Hack AVS will be launched on April 23 on the DoraHacks platform

According to official news, the global hackathon Hack AVS of EigenLayer ecosystem, initiated by the cutting-edge technology sharing community Hacker Dōjō, will be launched on April 23 on the global geek sports platform DoraHacks.io. This hackathon is centered on the concept of AVS (Active Verification Service) of EigenLayer, encouraging developers to build in the Eigenlayer ecosystem.

EigenLayer is a re-staking protocol built on Ethereum, which aims to solve the fragmentation security problem of Ethereum decentralized applications. This hackathon has eight tracks, namely Ethereum expansion, infrastructure and intelligence, AVS tools, decentralized oracle, ZK, DePIN, Cosmos network applications, and Nostr network and decentralized content storage applications.

April 24  

Filecoin Foundation: n v2 2 network upgrade will be postponed to April 24

Odaily Planet Daily News Filecoin Foundation posted on the X platform that it is currently tracking and evaluating the status of the STFIL Protocol. In view of the current situation, the network upgrade coordinator decided to postpone the n v2 2 network upgrade to April 24.

Bitcoin L2 network BOB announced that it will launch the mainnet on April 24

Odaily Planet Daily News Bitcoin L2 network BOB (Build on Bitcoin) announced on the X platform that it will launch the mainnet on April 24.

Manta Network: 3 million MANTA will be distributed to qualified users of the Renew Paradigm event, snapshot on April 24

Odaily Planet Daily News Manta Network announced on the X platform that after the Renew Paradigm event, 3 million MANTA rewards will be distributed based on the number of NFTs destroyed by participants during the event.

The team will take a snapshot of the NFT destruction address on April 24 to calculate MANTA rewards. Officials remind users to ensure that all NFTs are destroyed before the deadline.

Renzo: LST deposits open, 100 ezPoints Boost event will last until the early hours of April 24

Odaily Planet Daily News: Renzo, the native liquidity re-pledge protocol on EigenLayer, published a statement on the X platform stating that LST deposits are open.

The 100 ezPoints Boost event runs from now until 0:00 (UTC+ 8) on April 24th, and both LST tokens wBETH stETH are eligible to participate.

GM Network: CyberV series NFT will be launched on April 24

Odaily Planet Daily News GM Network posted on the X platform that its CyberV series NFT will be launched on April 24. The project will release more NFTs when the product is released, but CyberV will be the rarest series.

April 25

Magic Eden will be available on Base on April 25

Odaily Planet Daily News Magic Eden announced on the X platform that it will be launched on the Base network on April 25.

April 26


April 27


April 28

The first phase of io.nets points reward program will end on April 28

Odaily Planet Daily News: io.net, the DePIN protocol based on Solana, launched its first points reward program on March 1, which will last until April 28. Officials said that the program will reward points based on how much GPU users provide to the network. The reward algorithm will take into account a range of factors, including the number of hours of work completed, node bandwidth, GPU model, and uptime.

Others (specific time undetermined)

Blast announces the details of the second phase of Gold Points distribution, and will distribute a total of 10 million Gold Points next week

Odaily Planet Daily reported that Blast has announced the distribution details of the second phase of Gold Points (Blast Gold), and will distribute a total of 10 million Gold Points to 70 ecological projects next week.

The top three projects in terms of allocation amount are Thruster (1,099,908 tokens), DistrictOne (733,272 tokens), and Fantasy (733,272 tokens).

MyShell plans to launch an AI consumer Layer 2 network based on EigenDA and Optimism, and the test network will be launched next week

Odaily Planet Daily News: Decentralized AI content platform MyShell announced the launch of the worlds first AI consumer Layer 2 network on the X platform, aiming to connect users, creators, and open source AI model researchers. The network is technically supported by EigenDA and Optimism, and has reached a cooperation with AltLayer. Currently, more than 50,000 creators have built innovative AI applications on MyShell.

It is reported that the MyShell Layer 2 testnet will be launched next week, with secure deployment provided by AltLayer.

Original article, author:Azuma。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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