A Plain Language Interpretation of the Latest Developments in the RGB++ Protocol and Ecosystem

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What are the advantages of the RGB++ protocol over other inscription protocols? Which assets in the ecosystem are worth investing in?

Original author: DaPangDun ( X: @DaPangDunCrypto )

Editors note: Crypto researcher DaPangDun published an article on X to sort out the key points about the RGB++ protocol and ecology, helping users better understand the latest developments of the RGB++ protocol and ecology. Odaily Planet Daily summarizes it as follows:

FAQ: Protocol

1. What is homogeneous binding technology?

A: Isomorphic binding provides a native way to map layer 1 assets on BTC (currently limited to RGB++ assets) to layer 2 (currently limited to ckb) networks. This is achieved without a bridge, allowing assets to be “transferred from layer 1 to layer 2” to enjoy the security of layer 1 and the scalability of layer 2.

2. After Leap, how are the assets of the first layer locked?

A: The assets on the first layer are not locked. After Leap, the assets are on the second layer, not on the first layer. The assets can only be re-bound when Leap returns. We can compare the binding to the dyeing of colored coins. Leap to the second layer corresponds to decolorization, and Leap back to the first layer corresponds to re-dyeing.

3. What happens when RGB++ assets are transferred in one layer?

Answer: When the RGB++ asset is created on the first layer, a shadow asset is created on the second layer. When the asset is transferred on the first layer, the shadow asset is transferred isomorphically. Only when the user Leaps to the second layer can the assets on the second layer be operated.

4. Why is the consumption of the first-tier asset GAS so high?

A: In fact, the reason why the first-layer asset consumption is high is not entirely due to GAS. The consumption of the first-layer asset = GAS + the CKB fee occupied by the second-layer isomorphic CELL + others.

Among them: GAS is the network fee for users to participate. Except for Mint, it is generally not very high. CKB occupation fee may be the largest part. For example, a CELL occupies 144 ckb, which is 3.6 U at the price of 0.025. If it occupies 300 ckb, it is 7.5 U. Others refer to the service fees of some platforms.

5. What are the advantages of the RGB++ protocol compared to other inscription protocols?

Answer: Many people do not correctly understand the RGB++ protocol and simply view this protocol based on current consumption.

You can only operate the inscription protocol on the main network, so its scalability is very limited and its continuous consumption is very high;

The RGB++ protocol consumes a lot of gas only when you are always playing on the main network, but its core is that you can Leap to the second layer and play on ckb. At this time, the gas is basically negligible. Its scalability is only limited by the ckb network, and the continuous consumption is only in the two processes of Leap in and Leap out.

6. Why aren’t you playing on the second floor now, but on the first floor?

Answer: Because the infra of the second layer is very weak now. There are already markets on the first layer, and there are more than one, but there are none on the second layer. So the only way to go to the second layer is to play transfer. This is why I suggest that the CKB project and the community should develop infra as soon as possible. Of course, what I expect more here is to develop infra based on smart contract capabilities. For example, if it just imitates the P2P market on the first layer, I think it is not attractive enough and cannot reflect its superiority. However, if we can develop AMM/DEX based on the cell model, then it will be very interesting.

7. Why is the distribution method centralized?

A: It is completely possible to distribute in a non-centralized way, but this requires users to build the second-layer mapping process by themselves, including splicing transactions, issuing and broadcasting transactions, and preparing CKB to complete such operations. For ordinary people, it is basically impossible, so the launch platform handles such a process in the background. However, I understand that someone in the specific script community is working on it, and a decentralized distribution method will be realized in the future. If it is a second-layer distribution, it will be even simpler.

The reason can be found in this post by the wizard: https://x.com/0x cryptowizard/status/1780112123567428060 …

8. What is the development idea of the protocol?

A: My personal guess is that the Cipher team is mainly responsible for maintaining the operation, improvement and update of the protocol, while the community or other teams develop their own infra projects based on the RGB++ protocol. On the one hand, it is a concession to allow more devs to come in, and on the other hand, it can promote the rapid development of the ecosystem in multiple lines. The reason for devs to come in is that their projects are likely to successfully occupy a position in this ecosystem, and if they are optimistic about this ecosystem, a successful position represents possible success in the future.

From a development perspective, the first and second layers should be developed in parallel, that is, both the first and second layers of the ecological project should be done, the first layer is the first step, and the second layer is the second step (the logical relationship here is not necessary, but it is easier to understand). In this way, the first and second layer infra will be gradually improved in the process.

FAQ: Ecological aspects

1. Why does it take so long for Huehub to Mint after deployment?

Answer: It’s a problem with the protocol mechanism. After the protocol is deployed, it requires 6 blocks of security confirmation, so it takes time to wait.

2. Why doesn’t Huehub audit asset issuance?

A: I think this is a question of choice. ++ is an open source protocol, and anyone can build a launch pad based on it. Huehub’s positioning may be to provide such a functional module as infra in the ecosystem, so there is no audit requirement; at the same time, auditing also represents a responsibility issue to a certain extent, which may not be touched for the time being, after all, the platform has no ability to guarantee anything. Of course, I can understand that everyone does not want to have too many assets without a wealth effect, but we may need to think about this issue from the perspective of Huehub’s position and positioning.

3. What are the precautions for using unisat/okx wallet to participate in Huehub?

Answer: The official Twitter account has actually given detailed introductions, which can be summarized as follows.

  • Try to use a new wallet to prevent other assets in the wallet from being burned

  • Currently supports mint, pending order, cancel pending order, buy and sell, but does not support transfer

  • Do not transfer all BTC assets within a single wallet

4. What infras are currently available in the ecosystem?


  • Trading platform - Huehub, and some other platforms, I havent researched them in depth yet

  • Asset manager - Haste, manages RGB++ assets in different wallets

  • Wallet - Joyid Wallet Neuron Wallet

  • Domain Name System——.bit (Ready to connect++)

  • DOBS market——The joyid wallet has a unicorn market built in, but I understand that there are teams working on the dobs market (dobs, in simple terms, is the concept of nft, of course, there are actually extensions)

  • Inscription platform——omiga

5. Which assets in the ecosystem are worth investing in?

A: I am not very good at investment. I have always emphasized that my secondary ability is quite weak, so I usually look for very early opportunities with a certain degree of certainty and participate in them. For specific targets and investments, you can refer to

Tweets by @0x cryptowizard

Finally, let me share my personal thoughts:

For new protocols, there will always be problems, especially in the early stage when infra is relatively weak, so I hope everyone will be as tolerant as possible, report problems, and be less aggressive; In fact, the development speed of these teams is already very fast. Development based on the UTXO model is difficult, and the attitude of the teams I have come into contact with is pretty good. Of course, from the perspective of ordinary users, we hope that these teams can have a bigger picture and work towards a win-win situation with users.

This article is from a submission and does not represent the Daily position. If reprinted, please indicate the source.

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