Polyhedra and Google Cloud join hands to bring zero-knowledge proof one step closer

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Polyhedras cutting-edge research and proprietary algorithms are available to developers around the world through Zero Knowledge as a Service (ZK-as-a-service) provided by Google Cloud.

Polyhedra and Google Cloud join hands to bring zero-knowledge proof one step closer

On April 17, Polyhedra Network (hereinafter referred to as Polyhedra), a zero-knowledge proof (ZK) infrastructure development team, announced that it has reached a cooperation with Google Cloud in response to the growing demand for this technology in the Web2 and Web3 markets. The focus of this cooperation is on Polyhedras cutting-edge research and proprietary algorithms, which are now available to developers around the world through Zero Knowledge as a Service (ZK-as-a-service) provided by Google Cloud. Through Google Clouds infrastructure, developers will be able to efficiently execute large-scale specific proofs, thereby achieving performance optimization while ensuring reliability.

With the cooperation, Polyhedra will use the powerful performance of Google Cloud to handle massive workloads in the future. Proof Cloud is a cloud-based service that simplifies the process of generating zero-knowledge proofs, allowing developers to use Polyhedras innovative zero-knowledge proof technology to execute code directly in the cloud. Through this process, Proof Cloud abstracts the complex proof generation, allowing developers to focus on application building and enjoy the underlying infrastructure that can be customized according to their needs. To date, Polyhedras Proof Cloud has processed more than 40 million ZK proof generation tasks and is supporting a variety of ZK applications such as zkBridge and ZK Oracle.  

This collaboration with Google Cloud is the latest move by Polyhedra to expand its zero-knowledge product line. The collaboration aims to expand Polyhedras business scope from the field of interoperability to a wider range of fields and use zero-knowledge proofs to bring optimization and innovation to these fields.

The significance of this cooperation is that not only can developers improve development efficiency and achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement, but also the usability and functionality of Polyhedras zero-knowledge proof service are expected to continue to be enhanced. After combining zero-knowledge proof with Google Clouds Vertex AI capabilities, it is possible to activate new powerful features in the field of zero-knowledge machine learning, which will also make privacy-oriented AI solutions easier to promote and popularize. In addition, with the powerful functions of the Blockchain Node Engine (BNE), Polyhedra will also simplify ZK-related workloads in blockchain operations, ensuring that blockchain networks can be deployed and expanded faster, making it easier for developers and enterprises to put them into practical use.

Polyhedras team of highly skilled PhD researchers will work together to leverage the power of Google Cloud to optimize their innovative solutions. By strategically leveraging Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Hyperdisk, Vertex AI, GPUs, and BNE, the performance and scalability of Polyhedras products and services are expected to be further improved. This important collaboration also once again proves Polyhedras unchanging original intention - to contribute breakthrough technological innovations to the rapidly developing zero-knowledge proof service.

Eric Vreeland, Chief Strategy Officer of Polyhedra, said of the collaboration: The collaboration with Google Cloud is an important step in further promoting zero-knowledge proof services. Zero-knowledge proofs provide an innovative solution to the data validity and computational scalability problems in modern computing. Compared with existing solutions, Proof Cloud is expected to achieve significant speed upgrades and cost optimizations, and with the help of Google Cloud, this powerful service can be promoted to a wider audience.

Eric added: “As Web3 infrastructure further develops, Google Cloud will help us scale zero-knowledge proof capabilities to unprecedented levels.”  

Since its launch, Polyhedras zero-knowledge proof generation service has continued to grow, with the number of proofs generated increasing 100 times in the past year. Just before the official announcement of the cooperation with Google Cloud, Polyhedra had just completed a $20 million financing round at a valuation of $1 billion, which has made Polyhedra a unicorn company. Based on this cooperation, the two companies are expected to continue to explore zero-knowledge machine learning in the future and use Polyhedra for AI quality control at a time when AI data is booming.

Rishi Ramchandani, Head of Web3, Asia Pacific, Google Cloud, said: “We want to drive growth in the Web3 ecosystem by providing developers with secure and scalable technology. Our collaboration with Polyhedra will drive further development of zero-knowledge proof solutions and make zero-knowledge proof technology accessible to more developers.”

About Polyhedra Network:  

Polyhedra Network is building the next generation of secure, scalable and interoperable Web3 infrastructure through advanced zero-knowledge proof technology. The team has developed and deployed multiple next-generation zk-SNARK protocols, which have improved performance by several orders of magnitude over existing solutions on the market. Polyhedras interoperability solution zkBridge has connected more than 25 blockchain networks and can use zero-knowledge proofs to verify the validity of cross-chain messages. Under the protection of zero-knowledge proofs, developers can build secure, scalable and interoperable applications without additional trust assumptions.  

For more information, please visit: https://polyhedra.network

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