An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”

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Aims to become the Gitcoin of the Ordinals ecosystem.

An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”

TurtSat is a project launch platform based on Ordinals, aiming to become the Gitcoin of the Ordinals ecosystem. Turtsat has built a basic PSBT donation protocol that allows more open source developers and communities to participate in the Ordinals ecological construction and benefit from it. Committed to creating a positive community-led Ordinals ecological community and working with some influential organizations to jointly promote the future of the Ordinals protocol and the Bitcoin ecosystem.

An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”

Introduction to TURT Token

TURT is the platform token of TurtSat and the MEME Token of the BRC-20 turtle concept.

The total issuance of TURT is 1,000,000,000 pieces, and the public offering price is 2.5 Sats. As of now, all tokens have been fully circulated through IDO and airdrops, and the current total market value is approximately US$7 million.

An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”

Currently, TURT already supports BRC 20 and ERC 20 bilateral markets, and BRC 20 users can trade through Unisat and OKX.

Unisat :

OKX : 20/TURTERC 20 

Users can also participate in transactions through Uniswap, TURT contract address: 0x0800394f6e23dd539929c8b77a3d45c96f76aefc

Uniswap :

Launch project inventory

Since its launch, the TurtSat platform has launched a total of 4 BRC-20 projects (BRC 20 asset protocol CHAX, BRC 20 cross-chain bridge MUBI, Ordinals aggregation platform NHUB and Ordinals lending platform DOVA). These projects are all early BRC 20 infrastructure. Construction platform, and has performed well after the project was launched.

An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”

According to statistics, obtaining the IDO quota for the past four phases of projects requires holding an average of 1 million TURT tokens, and the revenue and cost are relatively high.

The BTC ecosystem is likely to be the core narrative of the next wave of bull market. The current BTC ecosystem is still in the early stages of development, and more projects will be born in the future. TurtSat is committed to becoming an important builder and promoter of the BTC ecosystem in the early stages, making TURT a The golden shovel for digging into value investing.

Follow-up plan

Recently, TurtSat officially announced the upcoming Staking business. Users can obtain platform points EGGS by staking TURT. In the future, EGGS may become an important way to exchange for whitelist quotas for new projects.

An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”


With the wealth effect brought by TurtSat, Ordinals builders and open source platforms are already applying for project launches in TurtSat. After TURTs staking function is launched, TurtSat may usher in a new wave of development.

An article to learn about the recently popular Ordinals Launchpad “TurtSat”

For more project progress, see:

TrutSat official website:

Twitter :

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