Report: Bitcoin transaction fees drop to four-year low

5 years ago
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BTC transaction fees, however, are on the decline, falling to levels last seen in 2014, a four-year low.

Editors Note: This article comes fromcointelegraph,author:Ana Alexandre

Translator: Cha Liang


Report: Bitcoin transaction fees drop to four-year low

Translator: Cha Liang

According to cointelegraph, a new report released by cryptocurrency and blockchain research company Diar on February 11 shows that Bitcoin transaction fees are at a new low, falling to 2014 levels.

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Coincidentally, according to foreign media CCN reported on January 7 this year, data from BitInfoCharts showed that Bitcoin transaction fees hit a four-year low, with an average of $0.029.

Report: Bitcoin transaction fees drop to four-year low

As cryptocurrency researcher Kevin Rooke tweeted, the Bitcoin network has not seen fees this low since October 2015 when it traded at $270.

Report: Bitcoin transaction fees drop to four-year low

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Image source: Diar official website

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Image source: Diar official website

While the total monthly movement of bitcoin on-chain is higher than it was in all of 2018, the median fee for bitcoin transactions has fallen to new lows, with dollar transaction totals last month below May 2017 levels.

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