Blockchain has no forbidden areas? Decentralized prediction platform Augur finds Trumps assassination bet

6 years ago
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to report

According to CCNto reportRecently, there have been assassination bets against public figures on the Ethereum-based prediction application Augur, the first of which is the current US President Trump. An Augur event titled Will Trump Get Killed (by any means) in 2018 has attracted more than 50 stakes. It has been calculated that these wisdom of crowds"The forecast given is that the probability of Trumps accidental death this year is 5%. So do those of Warren Buffett, John McCain, Jeff Bezos, Betty White and others.

Blockchain has no forbidden areas? Decentralized prediction platform Augur finds Trumps assassination bet

Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, some DApp browsers try to filter out these predicted topics on the user side, but still clear them from the network. So some people discussed how to deal with this irrevocable assassination bet.

The initiator set the deadline for the betting game at 5:59 am on December 31, 2018. There are currently not many people who have placed bets. Otherwise, Trump may really worry about his safety in the second half of the year. Just imagine, if the wisdom predicts that the probability of assassination is at a very low level, is it possible to attract terrorists to go long; while Trump supporters will have to place more bets on hedging risks.

In fact, before this assassination gambling game, predictions about the death of public figures in Augur already existed. Two of them, for example, are questions about whether 96-year-old actress Betty White and US Senator John McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer, will live until January 1, 2019.

In this regard, there is no lack of some media moral torture on Augur. The Augur team knows that a debate is inevitable. They said:

This will continue to happen if the oracle is decentralized. If its not decentralized, then why use a blockchain? If you just want nice, legal, culturally acceptable things to happen, theres no need to resist prior censorship—theyre all about making things happen that are within the rules.

Augur proponents argue that a project’s developers should not be held responsible for the misuse of decentralized technology, since they also have no power to censor unethical predictions. according toTokenInsightAccording to the data, the market value of Augur is 431 million US dollars, and the market share in the predicted encrypted digital currency exceeds 50%.

Looking at it now, have people ever thought about these hidden worries when they practiced the madness of decentralization?

Blockchain has no forbidden areas? Decentralized prediction platform Augur finds Trumps assassination bet

Original article, author:黄雪姣。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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